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My Run Day 2022 Running Planet Geneva

Posted By: Jean marie BOURGET In: Category 1 On: Comment: 0 Hit: 2597

Start, resume or intensify the practice of running.


For the return of my Run Day, 2 years after its last edition, our Swiss Olympic Medical Center opens its doors to you to allow you to run at your best level while having fun. Upstream of the Generali Geneva Marathon, experienced runners and beginners will benefit from professional advice to regain or acquire good running habits.


Online reservations - 2 sessions of 1h30, at 9h00 or 11h00.


Doors open at 8:30 a.m.; participants must be ready and in sportswear at the start time indicated.

Shoes worn outdoors are not permitted in the gym.

Race analysis (instrumented treadmill and video analysis)

There is no universal stride, but certain characteristics of your running technique can pose a risk for certain pathologies. Running analysis on an instrumented treadmill allows you to sift through your running technique and then advise you as best you can.

Strengthening the muscles of the runner

Some muscles are more important than others in runners. The "posterior chain" in particular is preponderant in terms of performance and injury prevention. We will therefore show you how to strengthen your feet, your calves, your hamstrings and your glutes in particular.

Alter G® (anti-gravity mat)

Resuming running without risk, after a long break or an injury: When? How? 'Or' What? How long? At the cutting edge of technology, the Alter G® treadmill allows you to test your ability to manage stress while running with only part of your body weight.

Running school: The "athletic ranges"

Running is not a natural activity for everyone. Practicing athletic scales, learning to master knee raises, heel to butt raises or other running in intervals is very formative for developing your coordination skills, preventing injuries and improving your performance.

Running workshop: Spread Run (1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.)

With a specialized physiotherapist, go for an interactive running session or a session dedicated to fitness walking, during which you will benefit from real-life advice on how to improve your running technique.

You have the opportunity to ask questions beforehand, which will be answered during the race. In order to be able to follow the advice in real time even when you are a few meters away from our coach, we ask that you come with a smartphone and headphones. We also recommend providing a solution to run comfortably with your phone (belt, armband, etc.).

Pre-register here - The exact technical details will be communicated to you shortly.

Discovery of VO2max (continuous, without reservations)

VO2max is the measure of the maximum flow of oxygen that the body can absorb to meet its needs during physical exertion. Serving as a performance indicator, it can be improved by specific exercises. Our physiologist will show you how this measurement is performed and the benefits you can derive from it. From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Conferences (without reservations)

9:00 a.m. - Start running: Best practices - Guillaume Servant, physiotherapist.

9:45 a.m. - After a month or after a year: Resuming running without injury - François Fourchet, physiotherapist, doctor of sports sciences.

11:00 a.m. - Intensifying my running training: Progressing without injuring myself - François Fourchet.

11:45 a.m. - Back to sport: Leaving the Covid behind - Laurence Vignaux, Cardio-respiratory physiotherapist.

François Fourchet and Guillaume Servant will also be available between the conferences to present their book "I move... Running without hurting myself".

The event will be held in strict compliance with the health rules in force at the end of March at the Hôpital de La Tour. We thank you for keeping yourself informed and for taking the necessary measures yourself.


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