How to trailrun Running Planet Geneva 2021

The "How to Trailruns" are the perfect opportunity to come and test Salomon products while sharing a unique experience.
The "How to Trailruns" are the perfect opportunity to come and test Salomon products while sharing a unique experience.
With the “How to Trailrun” we allow off-road runners to recognize themselves and reassure themselves as trailrunners. Trailrunning is often seen as an elite sport, it is of course much more than that. We try to show that there are multiple Trails all over the place, for all levels and very often right next to the house. As a trailrunning specialist, we want to bring the classic running community to the new trendy sport and share some tips on running posture to prioritize injury prevention. In addition, on the level 1 “How to trailrun” we train several running techniques: use of poles, power hiking, brisk walking, etc….
Take this opportunity and come find us on one of our next How to Trailruns. You will have the opportunity to test the current collection and have a unique experience.
Do not hesitate and register today directly on our platform and at the same time talk around you and invite a friend.
We look forward to seeing you!
More information at Running Planet Geneva 34 Avenue de Frontenex 1207 Geneva.
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